It was initially added to our database on 02/18. I was using this version is currently unknown.Ģ.When the File Download window appears, click Save Windows XP users will click Save this program to disk and click OK. With tens of millions of notebooks in the market with UPEK fingerprint sensors, UPEK has worked closely with us on the development of the Windows Biometric Framework and sees strong value in using applications that support fingerprint biometrics through the Windows Biometric Framework. When it first arrived I ripped the package open and when right to work on setting it up. EIKON UPEK DRIVER DOWNLOAD - The TCS4C sensor which is built into the Upek Eikon is a swipe sensor, which means that you have to swipe your finger over the sensor. Windows Hello provides the user interface but you still need a device driver for the fingerprint reader. Hello All, I recently installed Windows 7 64-bit on my Dell XPS 1530. The Protector Suite software allowed me to login to windows using a fingerprint and to use fingerprints to open password protected files as well as entering passwords into web screens. Download Now UPEK FINGERPRINT READER DRIVER